O-Calc Pro provides a complete set of routines for performing all of the units conversion that might be required by O-Calc developers.
It is important to understand that the stored units and the displayed units in O-Calc Pro are not always the same. The integrated Schema Explorer tool allows you to find the name and stored units of any attribute in the O-Calc data model.
Access to the units conversion routines are via the PPL_Lib.PPLGridModel.Attribute namespace and the methods provided are as follows.
- //Inches to ...
- public static double InchesToFeet(double pInches)
- public static double InchesToMillimeters(double pInches)
- public static double InchesToCentimeters(double pInches)
- public static double InchesToMeters(double pInches)
- public static double CentimetersToInches(double pCentimeters)
- public static double MillimetersToInches(double pMillimeters)
- public static double MetersToInches(double pMeters)
- //Feet to ...
- public static double FeetToInches(double pFeet)
- public static double FeetToMeters(double pFeet)
- public static double MetersToFeet(double pMeters)
- //Pounds to ...
- public static double PoundsToNewtons(double pLbs)
- public static double NewtonsToPounds(double pNewtons)
- public static double PoundsToKilograms(double pLbs)
- public static double KilogramsToPounds(double pKilograms)
- //weight vs length...
- public static double PoundsPerInchToPoundsPerFoot(double pLbsPerIn)
- public static double PoundsPerInchToKilogramsPerCentimeter(double pLbsPerIn)
- public static double PoundsPerFootToPoundsPerInch(double pLbsPerFt)
- public static double PoundsPerInchToKilogramsPerMeter(double pLbsPerIn)
- public static double KilogramsPerMeterToPoundsPerInch(double pKgPerMtr)
- //Pressure ...
- public static double PoundsPerSquareFootToPascal(double pPSF)
- public static double PascalToPoundsPerSquareFoot(double pPa)
- public static double KilopascalToPSI(double pKpa)
- public static double PSItoKilopascal(double pPSI)
- //Density
- public static double PoundsPerCubicFootToKgM3(double pLbsFt3)
- public static double KgM3toPoundsPerCubicFoot(double pLbsFt3)
- //Angle
- public static double RadiansToDegrees(double pRadians)
- public static double DegreesToRadians(double pDegrees)
- //Pressure
- public static double PoundsPerCubicFootToPoundsPerCubicInch(double pPoundsPerCubicFoot)
- public static double PoundsPerCubicInchToPoundsPerCubicFoot(double pPoundsPerCubicInch)
- //Torque ...
- public static double FootPoundsToNewtonMeters(double pFtLbs)
- public static double NewtonMetersToFootPounds(double pNtnMtr)
- //Temperature
- public static double CelsiusToFahrenheit(double pCelsius)
- public static double FahrenheitToCelsius(double pFahrenheit)
- //velocity
- public static double MilesPerHourToKilometersPerHour(double pMph)
- public static double KilometersPerHourMilesPerHour(double pKph)
- //second moment of inertia
- public static double IN4toCM4(double pIN4)
- public static double CM4toIN4(double pCM4)
- //area
- public static double IN2toCM2(double pIN2)
- public static double CM2toIN2(double pCM2)
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