Crossarm Analysis The detailed crossarm analysis report indicates to the user whether one or more crossarms on the pole are adequate or not. This can be helpful when a crossarm is flagged in red in the inventory window – the red coloring on the icon usually indicates that the crossarm is failing or inadequate in ..
Archives : May-2017
The Clearance analysis tool provides the user with a way to assess for potential clearance violations when adding spans and equipment, or when setting a new pole. The Clearance Analysis options can be found under Tools > Clearance Analysis… in O-Calc Pro. From this list are several options, including Clearances and Violations, Show Clearance Rules, ..
Perhaps one of the most under-utilized features in O-Calc Pro is the ability to add Notes to an item. In addition to components that utilize pole capacity, it is also possible to add elements to the inventory list that do not contribute to the loading on the pole at all. One such item is a ..
This article outlines some of the basic concepts behind how Tensions Types and Sag are accounted for in O-Calc Pro. The full primer on this topic is linked to this article. Any cable attached between two structures will hang between these two structures following a catenary curve. Mathematically the catenary curve is a hyperbolic curve describing ..
This report provides more detailed information regarding the forces being applied to the pole in relation to wine pressure as dictated by the loadcase, and the worst wind direction which is determined during modeling of a structure. Figure 7. Applied Loads Summary Report LoadCase – Populated automatically based on the active loadcase in the inventory ..
Analysis Report – Page 1 Figure 1. Page 1 of Analysis Report Pole Num – set by the user in the data entry panel Aux Data Fields 1-6 – In this example, lines 2-7 on the left-hand side (PM Order Number – Aux Data 6) show where a user can enter custom fields. When a ..
When utilizing the Google Earth Plugin in O-Calc Pro, it is possible to plot the location of a structure or render the structure in 3D in Google Earth. The first step towards doing this would be to ensure that the google earth plugin is enabled. This can be checked by opening O-Calc and navigating to ..
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